The mission of the Technology Department at 17勛圖 is to prepare students to become proficient and knowledgeable in both current and emergent 21st-century technologies. Students will acquire digital citizenship skills, information literacy strategies, and innovative and design thinking awareness that will help them succeed in a demanding and diverse global environment. The Technology Department will provide teachers with current and effective tools, along with resources and training that will meaningfully enhance learning. All of this will be accomplished through both direct technology classroom instruction aligned with ISTE standards and integration that supports the subject area's curriculum.
Technology Program
The technology program is an exciting, enriching addition to the elementary curriculum. Students K4 through grade 5 receive weekly technology instruction, integrated with their regular classroom subject areas. While the technology department has its own goals and objectives, those are taught in an applied manner, rather than as a separate "computer" program. Keyboarding, word processing, multimedia presentation, spreadsheets, Internet, and knowledge of computer equipment and function are reinforced throughout all the elementary grades. Students also learn digital literacy and citizenship through the Common Sense Media program.
In High School, students may elect to take a course in technology. The classes are one semester long, and meet 2-3 times per week, in rotation.