Spanish Language and Literature
In Spanish Language and Literature classes, students participate in comprehensive learning in the discipline that is broken down into the expression of different abilities that demonstrate the acquisition of technical vocabulary relevant to the discipline and the application of phonological, lexical, and morphosyntactic knowledge in both oral and written expression; the adequate use of skills of comprehension, evaluation, and production of texts; and the ability to understand and express ideas and feelings, both in oral and written communications.
Students of this discipline develop and refine the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Working with literary content, students learn in greater depth about the macrostructural areas of the language. Furthermore, by reading literary and non-literary pieces, complete in many cases, on various themes, styles, genres, and authors, students generate contact with primary sources and are able to assume the roles of reader, critic, and creator. As readers, they learn to appreciate the creation of various authors, both in Spanish and in translation from other languages. As critics, they are able to judge the work of different authors and critics. And as creators, they compose their own texts: analytical, critical, literary, etc.
Spanish Program
This area focuses on two specific competencies, in accordance with the MEC curricular proposal: understanding and producing oral and written texts in response to personal, emotional, social, cultural, and/or work communication needs, in interaction processes in different areas, informal as well as formal; and, analyze and evaluate oral and written literary texts of various genres, belonging to different literary currents and trends, recognizing their aesthetic characteristics and the multiple messages they transmit. These competencies are specified in several capacities that make up the curriculum, broken down into each of the rooms that make up the curriculum of the disciplines in this area from Kindergarten 5 to 12th grade.